People > Iuput I

Iuput I

Egypt History - Egyptian Chapter Decoration


Iuput I was a prominent figure during the Third Intermediate Period of ancient Egypt, specifically associated with the 22nd Dynasty. His role and influence are primarily linked to his position as a high priest of Amun and a co-regent with his father, Pharaoh Osorkon II. Here is an overview of Iuput I and his significance:


  1. Third Intermediate Period:

    • The Third Intermediate Period (circa 1069–664 BCE) followed the New Kingdom and was characterized by political fragmentation, regional power struggles, and a division of authority between the north and south of Egypt.
    • The 22nd Dynasty, to which Iuput I belonged, was a line of Libyan-origin rulers who established their power base in the Delta region, particularly at Tanis and Bubastis.
  2. Family and Lineage:

    • Iuput I was the son of Pharaoh Osorkon II, one of the most powerful and influential rulers of the 22nd Dynasty.
    • His family was of Libyan descent, part of the Meshwesh group, which had settled in Egypt and gradually integrated into the Egyptian elite.

Role and Titles

  1. High Priest of Amun:

    • Iuput I held the prestigious position of High Priest of Amun at Thebes. This role was significant as the high priest controlled the wealth and influence of the powerful temple of Amun, one of the most important religious centers in Egypt.
    • His position as high priest would have given him substantial religious, political, and economic power, making him a key figure in the administration of the state.
  2. Co-Regency:

    • Iuput I was also designated as a co-regent with his father, Osorkon II. This means he shared the responsibilities of rulership and governance, helping to stabilize and manage the kingdom.
    • As co-regent, Iuput I would have been involved in key decisions, military campaigns, and diplomatic relations.

Achievements and Contributions

  1. Military Campaigns:

    • Iuput I likely participated in military campaigns to maintain and expand the influence of the 22nd Dynasty. His involvement in these campaigns would have been crucial in securing borders and quelling rebellions.
    • The 22nd Dynasty faced challenges from rival factions and external threats, and the military prowess of leaders like Iuput I was essential in preserving the dynasty's power.
  2. Religious and Cultural Contributions:

    • As High Priest of Amun, Iuput I would have overseen religious ceremonies, temple activities, and the administration of temple lands and resources.
    • His role included promoting the cult of Amun, which was central to the religious life of ancient Egypt. He likely commissioned religious monuments and supported the arts, contributing to the cultural richness of the period.

Legacy and Impact

  1. Political Stability:

    • Iuput I's role as co-regent and high priest helped ensure political stability during his father's reign. By managing both secular and religious affairs, he maintained the balance of power within the kingdom.
    • His dual roles allowed for a more integrated administration, blending theocratic and royal authority, which was crucial during a period of political fragmentation.
  2. Influence on Successors:

    • The influence of Iuput I's tenure can be seen in the continued prominence of the 22nd Dynasty and its ability to maintain control over key regions of Egypt.
    • His contributions to the religious and political spheres set a precedent for subsequent rulers and high priests, who continued to navigate the complex landscape of Third Intermediate Period Egypt.
  3. Archaeological Evidence:

    • Inscriptions and monuments from the period, particularly those in Thebes, provide evidence of Iuput I's role and contributions. These artifacts help historians understand the significance of his position and the impact of his actions on the period.
    • The Karnak Temple complex, where many high priests of Amun left their mark, likely includes contributions from Iuput I, although specific attributions can be challenging to pinpoint.


Iuput I was a key figure during the 22nd Dynasty of ancient Egypt's Third Intermediate Period, serving as High Priest of Amun and co-regent with his father, Pharaoh Osorkon II. His roles granted him significant religious, political, and military influence, contributing to the stability and continuity of the dynasty. Through his administrative, religious, and military activities, Iuput I played a crucial part in maintaining the power and cultural richness of ancient Egypt during a time of political fragmentation and regional challenges. His legacy is reflected in the continued prominence of the 22nd Dynasty and the enduring importance of the Amun priesthood in Thebes.

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