People > Amenhotep II
Amenhotep II

Amenhotep II was a pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, ruling from approximately 1427 to 1401 BCE. His reign is notable for military campaigns, athletic prowess, extensive building projects, and efforts to maintain the prosperity and stability established by his predecessors. Amenhotep II continued the policies of his father, Thutmose III, one of Egypt's greatest military pharaohs. Here is an overview of Amenhotep II and his reign:
18th Dynasty:
- The 18th Dynasty is one of the most illustrious periods in ancient Egyptian history, known for powerful rulers, military expansion, and significant cultural achievements.
- Amenhotep II was the son of Thutmose III and Queen Merytre-Hatshepsut. He succeeded his father, continuing the dynasty's military and administrative policies.
Family and Lineage:
- Amenhotep II was the seventh pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. His father, Thutmose III, had established a vast empire through numerous military campaigns.
- Amenhotep II’s mother, Merytre-Hatshepsut, was a prominent queen, and he was also closely related to Hatshepsut, another notable ruler of the dynasty.
Reign of Amenhotep II
Accession to the Throne:
- Amenhotep II ascended to the throne around 1427 BCE, following the death of his father, Thutmose III. He inherited a strong and prosperous empire.
Military Campaigns:
- Amenhotep II is renowned for his military prowess and conducted several campaigns to maintain Egypt's dominance in the Near East.
- His first campaign, in his third year as pharaoh, targeted rebellious territories in Syria and Palestine. He led his troops in a swift and brutal campaign, capturing numerous towns and cities and taking many prisoners.
- Subsequent campaigns focused on quelling uprisings and consolidating Egyptian control over its territories. His military achievements reinforced Egypt's power and secured valuable resources.
Athletic Prowess:
- Amenhotep II was known for his athletic abilities and often depicted himself as a powerful and skilled sportsman. He claimed to have excelled in archery, rowing, and other physical activities.
- Inscriptions and reliefs highlight his strength and skills, portraying him as a warrior-king capable of great physical feats.
Building Projects and Contributions
Monumental Architecture:
- Amenhotep II continued the tradition of extensive building projects initiated by his predecessors. He made significant contributions to temples and monuments across Egypt.
- He completed parts of the Karnak Temple complex, adding to the monumental structures dedicated to the god Amun. He also worked on the Temple of Luxor and other significant sites.
Mortuary Temple and Tomb:
- Amenhotep II built his mortuary temple on the west bank of the Nile near Thebes. The temple, known as the "Temple of Millions of Years," was dedicated to his cult and the worship of Amun.
- He was buried in the Valley of the Kings in tomb KV35, which was discovered in 1898. The tomb contained his mummy and various burial goods, reflecting the wealth and artistry of his reign.
Religious Policies
Support for Traditional Religions:
- Amenhotep II upheld the traditional religious practices of ancient Egypt, focusing on the worship of Amun and other major deities.
- He made significant offerings to temples and supported the priesthood, ensuring the continuation of religious ceremonies and festivals.
Deification of Royalty:
- Like his predecessors, Amenhotep II promoted the idea of the pharaoh's divine nature. He associated himself with gods like Amun and portrayed himself as a living deity on earth.
- His inscriptions and monuments often emphasized his divine status and close relationship with the gods.
Death and Legacy
- Amenhotep II died around 1401 BCE. He was succeeded by his son, Thutmose IV, who continued his policies and further solidified the dynasty's achievements.
- Amenhotep II’s tomb, KV35, in the Valley of the Kings, is known for its well-preserved state and the discovery of several royal mummies hidden there to protect them from tomb robbers. His mummy was found alongside those of other significant New Kingdom pharaohs.
Historical Significance:
- Amenhotep II's reign is significant for maintaining the military strength and stability of Egypt established by his father, Thutmose III. His campaigns and administrative policies reinforced Egypt's position as a dominant power in the ancient world.
- His athletic prowess and monumental building projects contributed to his image as a powerful and capable ruler.
Cultural and Religious Impact:
- Amenhotep II's support for traditional religious practices and his contributions to temple construction reinforced the cultural and religious continuity of ancient Egypt.
- His reign is remembered for its contributions to the architectural and artistic heritage of the New Kingdom.
Amenhotep II, who ruled from approximately 1427 to 1401 BCE, was a pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty known for his military campaigns, athletic prowess, and extensive building projects. He continued the policies of his father, Thutmose III, maintaining Egypt's dominance and prosperity. His reign saw significant contributions to temple construction and religious practices, reinforcing Egypt's cultural and religious heritage. Amenhotep II's legacy includes his military achievements, his promotion of traditional religious practices, and his impact on the architectural and artistic accomplishments of the New Kingdom.
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- Amenhotep II
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