People > Apries

Apries, also known as Wahibre Haaibre, was a pharaoh of the 26th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, ruling from approximately 589 to 570 BCE. His reign was marked by significant military campaigns, internal strife, and ultimately, his downfall and replacement by Amasis II. Here is an overview of Apries and his reign:
26th Dynasty (Saite Period):
- The 26th Dynasty, also known as the Saite Period, is characterized by a renaissance in Egyptian culture, arts, and economy. This period followed the Assyrian domination and saw the resurgence of Egyptian independence and power.
- Apries was the son of Psamtik II, a successful ruler who maintained stability and military strength in Egypt.
Family and Lineage:
- Apries was the son of Psamtik II and succeeded his father on the throne. His lineage was part of the Saite dynasty that had restored Egyptian autonomy and prosperity.
Reign of Apries
Accession to the Throne:
- Apries ascended to the throne around 589 BCE, following the death of his father, Psamtik II. His reign began during a period of relative stability and prosperity for Egypt.
Military Campaigns:
- Campaign in the Levant: One of Apries' significant military endeavors was his intervention in the Levant. He attempted to support the Kingdom of Judah against the expanding Neo-Babylonian Empire under Nebuchadnezzar II.
- Despite initial success, the campaign ultimately failed, with the Babylonians capturing Jerusalem in 586 BCE. This defeat strained Egypt's resources and weakened Apries' position.
Internal Strife and Rebellion:
- Libyan Campaign: Apries also faced challenges in Libya. He sent an army to assist the Libyans against Greek settlers in Cyrene, but this campaign ended in disaster, with a significant portion of the Egyptian army destroyed.
- The failure of the Libyan campaign led to widespread dissatisfaction among the Egyptian military and populace. Many soldiers blamed Apries for the defeat and the loss of their comrades.
Civil War:
- The discontent culminated in a rebellion against Apries. The Egyptian military and populace, disillusioned by his failures, supported Amasis (Ahmose II), a general who declared himself pharaoh.
- A civil war ensued between the forces loyal to Apries and those supporting Amasis. Apries sought assistance from the Babylonians but was ultimately defeated by Amasis.
Downfall and Death
Defeat and Deposition:
- Apries was defeated by Amasis in 570 BCE. Following his defeat, Apries was captured and initially kept as a hostage.
- According to Herodotus, Apries was eventually killed, possibly strangled by his own people who felt betrayed by his leadership.
- Apries was buried in the royal necropolis of Sais, the capital of the 26th Dynasty. His burial marked the end of his tumultuous reign and the beginning of Amasis II's rule.
Historical Significance:
- Apries' reign is significant for its military engagements and the internal strife that led to his downfall. His attempts to maintain Egyptian influence in the Near East and Libya highlight the challenges faced by Egypt during this period.
- His failure to secure lasting victories and the subsequent rebellion reflect the volatile nature of Egyptian politics and military affairs in the late 26th Dynasty.
Cultural and Religious Impact:
- Despite the political and military turmoil, Apries continued to support traditional Egyptian religious practices and made contributions to temple construction and restoration.
- His reign saw the continuation of the cultural renaissance that characterized the Saite Period, although these achievements were overshadowed by his military and political failures.
Archaeological Evidence:
- Inscriptions and artifacts from Apries' reign provide insights into his military campaigns and administrative policies. His contributions to temple construction and other architectural projects are part of his legacy.
- The records of his reign, including those by Herodotus and other ancient historians, offer a detailed account of his challenges and the events leading to his downfall.
Apries, ruling from approximately 589 to 570 BCE, was a pharaoh of the 26th Dynasty known for his military campaigns and internal strife. His efforts to support the Kingdom of Judah against Babylon and his campaign in Libya ultimately failed, leading to widespread dissatisfaction and rebellion within Egypt. His defeat and deposition by Amasis II marked the end of his reign. Despite his military and political failures, Apries continued to support traditional religious practices and contributed to the cultural achievements of the Saite Period. His legacy is one of a ruler who faced significant challenges and ultimately succumbed to internal dissent and external pressures.
Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt (Saites)
Royal Title | Name | Reign | Dynasty |
Mencheperre | Necho I | 672-664 BCE | Saite Dynasty (26th) |
Wahibra | Psamtik I (Psammetichus I) | 664-610 BCE | Saite Dynasty (26th) |
Wehemibra | Necho II | 610-595 BCE | Saite Dynasty (26th) |
Neferibra | Psamtik II (Psammetichus II) | 595-589 BCE | Saite Dynasty (26th) |
Ha'a'ibra | Wahibra (Apries) | 589-567 BCE | Saite Dynasty (26th) |
Chenibra | Amose-si-Neith (Amasis II) | 570-526 BCE | Saite Dynasty (26th) |
Anchkaenra | Psamtik III (Psammetichus III) | 526-525 BCE | Saite Dynasty (26th) |
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- Apries
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