Egyptian Artifacts > Tulli Papyrus
Tulli Papyrus

The Tulli Papyrus is a purported ancient Egyptian document that has gained attention due to its alleged description of a UFO sighting in ancient Egypt. Here are the key aspects:
Discovery and Controversy:
- The Tulli Papyrus is claimed to have been discovered in the 1930s or 1940s by Alberto Tulli, an Italian archaeologist, during excavations in Egypt.
- However, no credible evidence of the papyrus's existence has been presented, and its authenticity is widely questioned by scholars and experts in ancient Egyptian history and archaeology.
- Many researchers consider the Tulli Papyrus to be a modern forgery or hoax, as there are no records of its discovery or provenance, and it has never been subjected to scientific analysis or authentication.
Contents and Alleged UFO Sighting:
- According to proponents of the Tulli Papyrus, the document describes an unusual celestial phenomenon witnessed by ancient Egyptians during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III, around the 15th century BCE.
- The purported description includes references to fiery disks or circles in the sky, accompanied by unusual movements and behaviors, such as hovering, darting, and changing direction.
- Some interpretations of the text suggest that it describes an encounter with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or extraterrestrial beings.
Skepticism and Criticism:
- The authenticity of the Tulli Papyrus has been widely questioned by scholars and researchers, who cite a lack of credible evidence, provenance, and corroborating sources.
- Critics argue that the alleged UFO sighting described in the document is likely a misinterpretation or mistranslation of conventional celestial phenomena, such as comets, meteors, or celestial bodies.
- Additionally, the absence of any mention of the Tulli Papyrus in historical records or scholarly literature further undermines its credibility and raises suspicions about its authenticity.
Pop Culture and Legacy:
- Despite its dubious authenticity, the Tulli Papyrus has captured the imagination of UFO enthusiasts, conspiracy theorists, and proponents of ancient astronaut theories.
- The alleged UFO sighting described in the document has been cited as evidence of extraterrestrial visitation in ancient times and has been featured in various books, documentaries, and websites devoted to UFO lore and pseudoscience.
- However, mainstream scholars and experts dismiss the Tulli Papyrus as a modern fabrication or misinterpretation of ancient texts, cautioning against the uncritical acceptance of dubious claims without credible evidence.
In summary, the Tulli Papyrus is a controversial and widely disputed document that is often cited as evidence of ancient UFO sightings in Egypt. However, its authenticity is highly questionable, and it is not recognized as a genuine artifact by the academic community.
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