Settlements > Riqqeh

Riqqeh, also spelled as Reqaqneh or Rekhmireh, was an ancient Egyptian settlement located on the east bank of the Nile River, in the vicinity of modern-day Luxor. Here's an overview:
Geographical Location:
- Riqqeh was situated in Upper Egypt, near the modern city of Luxor, approximately 700 kilometers (435 miles) south of Cairo.
- Its location on the east bank of the Nile River made it strategically important for trade and transportation along the river.
Historical Significance:
- Riqqeh was established during the Pharaonic period and served as a regional administrative and economic center.
- It was located in close proximity to other important ancient Egyptian cities such as Thebes (modern Luxor) and Karnak, contributing to its significance in the region.
Administrative and Economic Activities:
- Riqqeh likely served as an administrative center for the surrounding region, overseeing matters such as taxation, law enforcement, and public works.
- The settlement was also engaged in economic activities such as agriculture, trade, and craft production, taking advantage of its location along the Nile River.
Archaeological Discoveries:
- Excavations at Riqqeh have uncovered archaeological remains, including pottery, tombs, religious structures, and artifacts dating to various periods of ancient Egyptian history.
- The site has provided valuable insights into the daily life, economy, and administration of ancient Egyptian settlements in Upper Egypt.
Cultural and Religious Significance:
- While Riqqeh was not as prominent as nearby cities such as Thebes and Karnak in terms of religious significance, it likely had its own local religious practices and cult centers.
- The settlement would have been influenced by the religious beliefs and practices of ancient Egyptian society, including the worship of various gods and goddesses.
Decline and Legacy:
- Like many ancient Egyptian settlements, Riqqeh likely declined in importance over time, as political power shifted and economic conditions changed.
- However, its historical significance endures, and the archaeological remains at Riqqeh contribute to our understanding of ancient Egyptian civilization and its regional centers.
In summary, Riqqeh was an ancient Egyptian settlement located in Upper Egypt, near Luxor. While not as well-known as other nearby cities, it played a role in the administrative, economic, and cultural life of the region during ancient times.
- Abu Garab
- Abusir
- Abydos
- Alabastronopolis
- Alexandria
- Antaeopolis
- Aphroditopolis
- Apollonopolis Magna
- Armant
- Aswan
- Athribis Lower Egypt
- Athribis Upper Egypt
- Avaris
- Buto
- Canopus
- Carchemish
- Coptos
- Crocodilopolis
- Cynopolis
- Deir El Medina
- Djeba
- El Amrah
- Elephantine
- Enisasi
- Gaza
- Gebal
- Germa
- Gesa
- Giza East Field
- Giza West Field
- Giza
- Heliopolis
- Heptapolis
- Heracleopolis
- Herakleopolis Magna
- Hermopolis Magna
- Hermopolis
- Hierakonpolis
- Iunyt
- Jerusalem
- Kadesh
- Kerma
- Leukaspis
- Lower Egypt Settlements
- Lycopolis
- Memphis
- Mendes
- Menouthis
- Meroe
- Mersa Gawasis
- Naqada
- Naucratis
- Nekheb
- Nekhen
- Noph
- Nubian Settlements
- Oxyrhynchus
- Panopolis
- Phoenician Settlements
- Pi Ramesses
- Qift
- Red Sea Coast Settlements
- Rhacotis
- Riqqeh
- Sais
- Shedet
- Tanis
- Thebes
- Thinis
- This
- Thonis Heracleion
- Tyre
- Upper Egypt Settlements
- Wah Sut