Settlements > Lower Egypt Settlements
Lower Egypt Settlements

Lower Egypt, the northern region of ancient Egypt, was home to several significant settlements throughout its history. Here are some notable Lower Egyptian settlements:
Memphis (Ineb Hedj):
- Memphis, known as Ineb Hedj in ancient Egyptian, was the capital of ancient Egypt during the Old Kingdom period.
- Located near the modern city of Cairo, Memphis was strategically situated at the junction of Upper and Lower Egypt, making it a political, economic, and cultural hub.
- Memphis was home to the Great Sphinx and the Pyramid of Djoser, among other monumental structures.
Alexandria (Rakotə):
- Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE, Alexandria became one of the most important cities in the ancient world.
- Located on the Mediterranean coast, Alexandria served as a major center of trade, scholarship, and culture, boasting the famous Library of Alexandria and the Pharos Lighthouse.
- Alexandria was known for its cosmopolitan population and its blending of Greek, Egyptian, and other cultures.
Tanis (Djanet):
- Tanis, known as Djanet in ancient Egyptian, was a city located in the eastern Nile Delta.
- It served as a capital during the Third Intermediate Period and the later dynasties, becoming one of the most important cities in Lower Egypt.
- Tanis was renowned for its archaeological remains, including the royal necropolis where the treasures of pharaohs such as Psusennes I and Shoshenq I were discovered.
Bubastis (Per-Bast):
- Bubastis, known as Per-Bast in ancient Egyptian, was a city located in the eastern Nile Delta.
- It was dedicated to the worship of the cat goddess Bastet and served as a major religious center, hosting the annual festival of Bastet.
- Bubastis was known for its impressive temple complex dedicated to Bastet, which contained numerous statues and monuments.
Busiris (Djedu):
- Busiris, known as Djedu in ancient Egyptian, was a city located in the western Nile Delta.
- It was associated with the worship of the god Osiris and served as a center for Osirian cults and funerary practices.
- Busiris was home to a temple dedicated to Osiris, where rituals and ceremonies honoring the god were conducted.
Sais (Saïs):
- Sais was an ancient Egyptian city located in the western Nile Delta.
- It served as the capital of the 26th Dynasty and was known for its association with the goddess Neith.
- Sais was home to a temple dedicated to Neith, as well as the tomb of the pharaoh Amasis II.
These are just a few examples of the many settlements that flourished in Lower Egypt throughout ancient Egyptian history. Each of these settlements played a significant role in the political, religious, and cultural life of ancient Egypt, contributing to the rich tapestry of Egyptian civilization.